How to Send an EFax

You can fax out to any domestic fax number right from your email!  The way it works it that after your email is registered for the service, you can send emails to a special email address that will set the Destination number of the fax.  The attachment of the email will be translated and faxed to that destination!

Here is how to get started!


  1. Address an Email to: [email protected]
  2. Your email address is on file, and will set the from phone number.  Only registered email addresses will be allowed to fax out.
  3. Attach a file (pdf, word, etc)
    Only the attached file will be faxed to the destination, NOT THE BODY OF THE EMAIL.
    TIF, PDF, TXT, JPG, GIF, PNG, DOC, XLS, etc… formats are supported
    Subject and Body of the email are ignored, and not sent.
       If you want a cover page, please include it in the attachment.
  4. Send the email!
  5. You will get an email confirming receipt, and another with the result of the fax.